Monday, November 16, 2015

CCW and the "wild west"syndrom

All to often where Conceald Handguns are discused, we hear people make acounts as to how it will be like the wild west.  Facts we know.  State of Ohio on expanding gun rights restoration laws, violent crime has droped.  All the way to a 44 year low.  This is becasue criminals do not know who is armed .  In the wild west we are lead to believe from movies and tv shows, that every scuffle lead to a shooting and deaths (multiple) in every town every day.  The fact is the shooting deaths averaged 1.5 per year.  That is it.  Vs the the eastern established cities that had gun free boarders and shooting deaths that averaged in the 100's per year.  In gun free zones.  imagine...all that history and the ignorance still prevails...